I am reminded of the night of prayer on the same evening as
the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony (27 July) where God - quite astoundingly -
showed in the spirit realm EXACTLY what was happening over the stadium at the
time - the picture of a lasoo of fire encircling the place and then one by one
rings of fire coming out of the sky.
Contemplating this a lot the last few weeks - asking the
Father what it meant and what the intention of His heart is - 12 months later.
A couple of things have come to mind most based on Zechariah 2:5 (NKJ)
says, “For I,’ says the LORD, ‘will be a
wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.” and the
plethora of words on prayer & unity we've had as a fellowship and nation.
- Single focus of prayer, standing in agreement across the land in the lead up to the games is the lasoo - the ring of fire, ignited by prayer, is the ring of fire of protection, guidance, a drawing in etc etc
- The fire coming down is symbolic of the Holy Spirit (Glory of God)- the fact that in the vision the rings came down incrementally gives me the impression of a staged increase of Gods power amongst us.
- The 'Olympic flame' symbolic of one little fire after another igniting - spreading until it burns as one.

I am also reminded and conscious that we have the angelic
host with us to ensure that the will of God is accomplished. My prayer is that
scales will drop off our eyes - hearts will be renewed and that we all
experience the breath of God in this coming season.