With this running through my thoughts there was that inner stirring about SIGHT. In a rather
impromptu way during a morning church gathering - the following was impressed on my heart and then shared with our fellowship. It resonated with more people than expected, so capturing by way of encouragement for others.
Body, mind, and soul sight
Asking the Father for a scripture to validate this impression, I was prompted to look at Colossians 3. Taken from The Message - it shows the intent & heart of the Father, through His word, that He desires for us to have sight - and wants to remove the things which cloud our vision & experience of Him. He wants us to SEE clearly.
- BODY: physical sight, healing for physical eye related conditions,
- MIND: brain fog that clouds the way we perceive & see life, and
- SOUL: spiritual sight in that scales fall of eyes so that we can see Jesus & the glory of God. To be able to see as Jesus sees. There are several biblical references to eyes being opened to ‘see’. Acts 9, Scales fell off Paul’s eyes & he saw; Luke 24, the disciples on the Emmaus road, ‘then their eyes were opened & they recognised Him (Jesus); 2 Kings 6, Elisha prays for a servants’ eyes to be open to see the spiritual realm; Joel 3, ...... pour out My Spirit ..... young men will ‘see’ visions.
See things from Jesus' perspective
From the The Message though was the reason why seeing as Jesus’ saw is so important. Verses 1-2 of Colossians 3 spells it clearly & unequivocally, “So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective”
With love and blessings and with the prayer that whoever reads this will take hold of the sight we have in Christ.
Shared at FHCC 6 June 2021/Joy