God's hand is moving to remove hindrances to
growth and moving forward in areas of resistance, doldrums and aridness. Seeds planted will be protected, with supernatural watering for growth. The foxes messing
with both spiritual and physical plans, growth and fruitfulness will be
It's time to pick up all that God has given you
to build - in one hand His Word and His Spirit in the other natural talents,
passions, learning, skills, spiritual gifts etc. The cement that brings this together is the LOVE Christ Jesus gives to us freely. The opposition to building the
church (no matter what that may look like I'm your area) is on the run -
kingdom workers must take up their positions - arise knowing you are fully
equipped and your back is protected while you work.
Set a watch and establish an alarm mechanism - mockers
and attackers may come, but God is our strength and the work will continue and
prosper. Even if your “wall” (something you are doing for God) looks fragile,
insignificant or incomplete – what God has sanctioned and started will be
Foxes in the garden
The picture of the fox on the fence stuck in my mind and stirred
in my spirit that this happening had meaning.
Motivated by this looked for
biblical references. Nehemiah 4 says, “Now Tobiah the Ammonite was beside him,
and he said, “Whatever they build, if even a fox goes up on it, he will break
down their stone wall.” This verse however introduces how the builders overcame
opposition and discouragement. The story tells how:
- Workers on the wall were motivated to work hard and get the job done;
- Gaps in the wall were being closed;
- Strategy and plans were laid to defend both builders and wall;
- The mockers and attackers were sent packing when they heard that the builders were prepared and ready for an attack;
- An alarm or communication was established to warn of trouble and to call people together;
- Work continued around the clock with builders having bricks and mortar in one hand and a weapon in the other.