I love perfumes, fragrances, bath bombs and aroma therapy oils. As a result of the dream below I've also spent time reading up on biblical oils.
My first experience of sensing the aroma of Christ was the evening of my earthly fathers' funeral (September 1991) - the perfume of his favourite shrub (yesterday, today and forever) filled the house - strong enough to wake us up. I have often felt the presence of the Holy Spirit through smelling perfume - this was also a manifestation a few Sundays back where a number of people caught a whiff of sweet perfume in the room we were in. Just last week - praying with my elderly Mum, the assurance of God's hand taking care of her was through a gentle breeze and smell of incense around her.

The word however relates to a dream from July 2008 and it is a call
to ensure that our lamps are full of oil. We are to be proactive about filling
our lamps so that they can be lit by the fire of Holy Spirit. It is time to
seek the Lord and as we pray and seek Him, there is a store of oil that has
been prepared for individual anointing and we now have access to it. Matthew 25: 1 to 13 (The Parable of the Wise and Foolish
Virgins) comes to mind.
The dream came at the tail end of nearly 8 weeks of a call
to pray - the oil that will be poured out is a fresh revelation of Christ. The
perfume of Christ will increase until the place of worship is filled with His
presence and the vessels that are prepared will receive their own individual
perfume - this will be the anointing that is to be carried onto the
"streets" - i.e. out of the church. Perfume can only become oil once
it’s been pressed and steamed - it also means the death of the source plant.
“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain”. Php 1:21

After "playing" with the base oils I was led into
an area that was all white marble and glass with long white chiffon drapes
between columns - along the walls were glass shelves and on them were arrays of
new bottles (all shapes and sizes) all ready, waiting for the new perfume to be
poured into them. The man who had been
with me in the base oil area was still with me in this room and he seemed to
get immense pleasure at seeing my happiness.
I sensed that he was the "boss" and that the perfume they were
preparing was something very new and fresh.......I had an overwhelming sense of surprise".