Some of these little pencil drawings have been used by God to encourage people in their faith - and on occasion HE's used them to show total strangers how much He loves them. Due to the highly personal nature of these sketches HE demonstrates that He knows them and has HIS eyes on them - in good way.
Coming across two of them today has encouraged me. One is a candle burning with one stick of incense wafting up to the heavenlies and the second, a small hand held bell. Both are from an evening of prayer in late September 2016.
The small things count
We can often get carried away and yearn for the BIG experiences and events and yet, the single flame of a solitary candle in a darkened room sheds light and is as a sweet smelling incense in heaven that we read about in Psalm 141 (Let my prayer be set before you as incense, the lifting of my hands as the evening sacrifice).The tinkling of a hand held bell can be heard - perhaps guiding you home on a foggy night. I'm also reminded of the bells on the priestly garments (Exodus 28: 33 & 35) as they ministered to God in the Holy of Holies or the bells on the horses in Zechariah 14:20 inscribed with HOLY TO THE LORD. With Christ Jesus now as our High Priest making continual intercession on our behalf before the throne of God - somehow, that tiny tinkling of the bell - perhaps a sound that we'd ignore - is the robe of Christ beckoning us into the presence of God and the safety of His arms.
It's easy to ignore or even miss the small things - we may even feel that our offering of prayer is weak and doesn't get heard in the clamour of life and world events - the Father assures us that they do - whispered prayers are heard, the silent cry of the heart is as incense before the very throne of God.
We read of Elijah in 1 Kings 19:12 hearing the whisper of God's voice calling him - if our Father communicates like this then surely HE listens out for your whispered prayers.
With love