As we spiritually gazed in wonder at the Lamb, Christ Jesus, a message from heaven poured out under the unction of the Holy Spirit.
"I am the ancient of days - the ancient of days. It is I who created the ancient paths and the ancient wells, and I, the Ancient of days, call my people back to the pure water of my living water. From the depths of heaven you will hear the roll of thunder - I am releasing freedom. Where walls have been built - keeping my church divided - they will come down.
Where doors have been closed - MY hand WILL move to open them. Where division and exclusivity in MY church have been established - I WILL TEAR THIS DOWN.
IF my people stood in awe of the walls of Jericho coming down - MY church will stand amazed at how I bring down everything that is not of me.
I, the ancient of days have said salvation is for ALL - the whosoever. No one is to be excluded! I am calling my people to OPEN to all - in MY name, tear down division - in MY name, establish the walls of salvation.
I AM before the beginning - I've established the way - walk in it"
Souls not just human bodies
There was a real sense of warning in this (something I've not had to deal with often) - while there is talk of a need for unity - we have to start with dealing with our own likes and dislikes such as music types, service formats or just the way people dress. Perhaps more challenging is allowing God to deal with our own conscious or unconscious prejudice - be this fear of someone presenting as a SE London gangster or a refugee.My inner being has been deeply disturbed over the last few months at how the body of Christ in some instances has aligned itself to a language demonizing the poor, the destitute, the disabled, the asylum seeker and the Muslim.
May we have the heart to believe and eyes to see all of humankind as souls - folks that need living water and the love of Christ to be able to flourish and grow as God intended.
May the body of Christ lead the way - be that beacon on the hill.